Michael, I honour your chivalry.

#127 12-09-2006, 03:16 AM
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I just can't help it. This is who I am.

Love, Michael, The Valkyrie

#128 12-09-2006, 08:59 PM
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and My Dragon lives on

well....what an entertaining morning i have had....love reading all the posts...

we are all one...please don't forget....as I ride into the wind of rain and snow

Maybe, Michael could post my picture here...he knows who i am...

The dragon of light and spirit...now and forever

Love and blessings the Christmas season....on this earth I call heaven...

kris xo
dragon spirit

#129 12-10-2006, 03:21 AM
Senior Member Join Date: Jul 2002
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The Oriental Dragon with The Flaming Pearl of Illumination and Wisdom.

Love, Michael, The Valkyrie

#130 12-11-2006, 06:42 AM
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my illumination

saturday...afternoon....this best time for a nap...after some household duties...and getting ready to go out for the evening....I love this time of the day...quiet....sunny...

I usually vision this time of the day....as I meditate in my room with the sun shining in over my bed....i do all meditating lying down..as it is what pema says...sitting,,,lying down...etc..hahahah

This is all I know now....the colours so vibrant,,,gold and blue and crimson and magenta...and yellow....all melting into one...until the picture is crystal clear...

I am on the path....the path of love and compassion for everyone...and as we move into this transformation....this is my quest and only road

love to all this blessed christmas season..

love and dragon llight
dragon spirit

#131 12-19-2006, 07:25 AM
Sherrie Lea Laird
Junior Member Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 28


The thing about my personal past life regressions, is sadly much to my own dismay I'm 100% accurate.
even right down to pre saying that Tony and Mar had a fling, only to have him disclose this six months later.
but in every detail...that Gladys is Kezia which you yourself confirmed that my Doctors daughter who is married to the biggest Rabbi in Canada, whom there could never ever be a reason for me to predict that she would leave a situation so highly regarded to come to L.A at the same time I would be there, this is of course over a year in advance of any of this being possible.
Doctor even looked a bit dismayed at my ridiculous prediction as it was so unlikely it made the other things I was predicting seem just as impossible, that my mum would die in december.
that it would be big news, and the facts L.A times has told us personally it was the biggest story they've ever set off by making reincarnation FRONT PAGE NEWS. it went around the world and back instantly causing a ruckus that continues still.

So according to B.Stalin the only thing I'm wrong about is my own reincarnation, I would trade all of this to have been wrong about my mum.

How could I know, why did all of my readings I've ever done for anyone come true right down to the letter, can I be so psychic in all of this and wrong on all the flashbacks I've had all my life.

Is this battle of the spirit guides. You know there's nothing wrong with being wrong. Dr. and he'll tell you this is true, has a friend who was over and she said...pifff!!! she is no more Marilyn Monroe than I am.... and Doc and I had already had regressions and confirmations from others...however it caused, you know, not like a spat but more like a fright and a uncomfortable energy at the time, because this lady had been so accurate for all of Doctor's and his wife's readings....but lo and behold she went home and did what she always does for her particular way of doing her meditations or readings, and she phoned not more than 24 - 48 hours later apologizing profusely and saying she was ashamed for doubting and she wanted me to know, that she's absolutely sure and yes in fact it is me...and on and on and on. It just helped us breathe a bit of relief even though we knew in our hearts. Ask him he'll tell you, that was approx almost 2 years ago. And we'd exchanged quite a few emails on it. She even said I was a user and everything...She was very very very sorry.

I truly think you should ask again Brian, with absolutely no pre- decided feelings whatsoever. I mean, I'm sitting here looking at Gladys, I
recognize her behaviours and everything, was I just the dog in the neighbourhood.

(added later)someone just reminded me tonight, did I ever link you to the pics Ahtun Re asked me to put up, well late into the book, I had never thought it myself, my fav is how much K looks like Gladys and Marilyn at:

I just assume everyone has seen it. sometimes I block the comments, sometimes not
Does anyone know that Gladys died March 11, 1984, very modern of her really. Does anyone know that my Kezia who I almost called Natasha was born December 11th, 1984. EXACTLY 9 months! We didn't celebrate obviously, no birthday or Christmas for K this year...way too sad about mum Margaret Laird, my beautiful lovely most amazing mum who never did or said a wrong thing ever to anyone.

Last edited by Sherrie Lea Laird : 12-19-2006 at 09:20 AM.

#132 12-19-2006, 01:14 PM
Alessandro Cagliostro
Member Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 62


I noticed the Hungarian? Marilyn Monroe also underwent hypnosis. There can't be 2 Marilyns. Perhaps hypnosis is unsatisfactory for past life memories. Her claims must be taken seriously, too. I noticed astrologers kept telling her she was Marilyn. After that I guess it would be a foregone conclusion that she would think that she was Marilyn. My pendulum says you are not Marilyn, but I'm not a pendulum expert. I have dowsed underground streams on numerous occasions and some ancient Roman coins on 2 occasions. It never occurred to me that pendulums could be used for past lives. If pendulums can be used this way, why use hypnosis?


Can getting in touch with your own guidance be as easy as using dangling something off a bit of string? Can you bypass expensive psychics and gurus, and save yourself from the dangers of ouija boards by a bit of twiddling and twirling? YES YOU CAN! By following these simple exercises and grounding guidelines most people can learn to use a pendulum and be talking to their own guidance the same day!
Using a pendulum is a form of 'kinesiology' . As with muscle testing, your own 'body spirit' or 'body angel' who is in charge of moving the subtle energy around your body, responds to your thoughts and words using that energy to move the pendulum and answer your questions.

Your body spirit can answer questions directly in relation to the body, or be the intermediary for you to talk to your higher self and soul, your spirit guides, the souls of other people, the earth, animals, plants, minerals or elements.

Pendulums can be any small evenly weighted, symmetrical object on a string. I have pendulums that are brass, glass, crystal, wood and plastic and all will work once the technique is practised. The old 'wedding ring on a hair' trick for telling an unborn babies' sex is another form of pendulum use.

Generally I find smaller lightweight pendulums easier and quicker to use. The larger and heavier they are, the slower they turn. When you want to ask lots of questions it can be a bit tedious. Also, pointy ended pendulums are best for working with

In order to connect to your own guidance earth and the ascending kingdoms it is very important that you be grounded first. Even though we are contacting our own guidance we are still living among a soup of energies and entities that we need to clear a space through. You are part of a 'hologram', along with Earth and all species, which is contactable through your heart. Before any contact can be made with your guidance or any other part of this hologram, you need to make a connection through 'grounding'. This will connect your energy field to the Earth and pull in your soul and higher aspects for guidance. If your soul is not present, the guidance that comes through could be just be your personality (or an outside entity) and may not reflect the desires and guidance of your soul.

Perhaps everything can be swayed by wishes and desires including our higher guidance, hypnosis and pendulums.

100% accurate? Not likely. Can anyone claiming to be Marilyn hope to be accurate?

Last edited by Alessandro Cagliostro : 12-19-2006 at 01:59 PM.

#133 12-19-2006, 06:47 PM
Junior Member Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 20

Mental/emotional Blocks Versus Purity

Hi everyone,

As some of you may know I'm a new member, and please excuse my long post!
The examiner must be freed at least temporarily, through a deep hypnotic trance followed by amnesia in most part, such as done by Edgar Cayce, Kevin Ryerson (who confirmed Sherrie Lea Laird as the reincarnation of Marilyn Monroe) and others. That clears the path, renders it "pure" to cleave to the Akashic Records and correctly read them. But in the case of the pendulum alone, such blocks, usually interfere, wrongly swaying the pendulum, thus misleading. But the best, as attested by psychoanalysts with a wealth of experience in this field, is for the examinee TO DECIDE through spontaneous associations. However, in my 38 years of experience with hypnosis, and teaching it as a university professor to M.D.'s specializing in psychiatry, I can attest that deep hypnosis, and specially somnambulistic hypnosis, like in Sherrie's case, ensure that most of the above blocks are temporarily dissolved, enough for an accurate Akashic Records' reading by the examinee. Zsuzsana, claims she was also hypnotized, and had "FUN" with that hypnosis, "discovering she is Marilyn Monroe." Far from the truth, as reliving MM's life is not "FUN." It was HELL for Sherrie as you can witness just for a few seconds of the more than 40 hours of videotaped past-life regression I performed on Sherrie, in the videoclip that was aired in CNN Showbiz Tonight and Japanese TV.
These links can be found at the top my web page: www.pastlives.com.

The past-life regressions were the most compelling, followed by hundreds of coincidences or synchronicities, psychic accuracy on Sherrie's part under somnambulistic hypnosis, as she explained in her above post, which I confirm. Only then biometrics were added showing similarities in face bone architecture, eyes in particular(the window to the soul,) hands, including hand lines, feet. Bones for millions of years remain unchanged.
cartilages are a byproduct of bone structure, like nose, ears, eyes and cresses that make the lines of the fingerprint. We still need from FBI the fingerprint of MM in order to confirm this singular sign. I envision in the future a computerized database for fingerprint identification from one lifetime to the next. In addition, in Sherrie's case she was recognized by intimates, such as Ted Jordan, as being MM. Handwriting between Sherrie and MM is similar. Voice is similar. Listen to the twin voices of Sherrie and MM, also linked to my above website! (Again, the vocal cords are made of cartilage.) My assessment of her as a board certified psychiatrist at the time for more than two decades, when Sherrie first contacted me in 1998, was that she was coming across as a trouble psyche seeking relief, not notoriety, unlike so many other beautiful young women pretenders, stepping forward and claiming to be Marilyn Monroe, Sherrie DID NOT want to be her and relive all her pain and suffering, she wanted to be herself.
Our main purpose hers and mine was to heal her of Marilyn's "demons." not to prove that she is Marilyn reincarnated. But that was necessary too, in order to initiate the healing. Also, mind you that the unbeknowst confirmation of Sherrie being the only and linear reincarnation of MM, came seven and a half years after I established the same through my research/therapy, hard work, entailing many thousands of hours of rigorous scientific work., Kevin's was only the icing on the cake.

In medicine, and I am a physician, who make a diagnosis, based on a multitude of symptoms or signs, as generally, one sign does not suffice.
Thus, we arrive to an accurate diagnosis and assist the patient/client to get well. That was Sherrie's case. And also, that is why the prestigious Library Journal recommended my book: "Marilyn Monroe Returns: The Healing of a Soul," to University Libraries. BUT THE BEST IS TO ORDER MY BOOK FROM AMAZON.COM, or BORROW IT FROM YOUR LOCAL LIBRARY FOR FREE. IT SAYS IT ALL.

Love, Light and Truth,


#134 12-19-2006, 10:39 PM
Sherrie Lea Laird
Junior Member Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 28

Well for Susana some of her coincidences, as Chris is Hungarian and read all of it, to be honest he laughed pretty often, her coincidences are that her boyfriend gave her chanel number 5 and that she had stomach problems like Marilyn. The other thing is, Marilyn wouldn't copy herself or then you'd know nothing of Marilyn, she didn't like to be made a joke of and she was dark, and suicidal like David Huggins said. She'd never superimpose her head on herself or dress up like her previous lives, and no for a fact, these were not professional accurate with credentials people telling her that she is Marilyn. Chris told me how the small towns in Hungary work. They want the local to be her, and they'll encourage it whether they believe it or not, it's a bit of fun.
This is not Marilyn, nor has she ever regressed I can promise my last dying breath on that.

We've all used Pendulums sometimes they are right and sometimes they are not...and the power and energy of the mind can change them, and I've practised that too.
I don't care if I'm Marilyn or not, as I'm pretty in to how you can't capture the past, no matter how you try, even just to touch your mum one last time.

But I'm also sure that not only your pendulum is wrong when it comes to me, but that your outlook is wrong.
sorry, that's all I got, and I swung the pendulum on it to have it confirmed.
DUDE hypnosis is being used by the best of the best of the best on the best of the best. Spy, cops, doctors, scientists.
She didn't regress to being Marilyn anymore than when she took one of her video's pretending she didn't know the camera was on her as she copied every Marilyn move.
You'll never see me or my confirmed Pendy Gladys do that.
Ever. Well isn't it wonderful what Susanna is achieving in the mean time.
I mean it's buying her wonderful look alike clothing. How's that working for you and mankind.

Last edited by Sherrie Lea Laird : 12-19-2006 at 10:43 PM.

#135 12-19-2006, 11:43 PM
oil painter
Senior Member Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: I
Posts: 470

Hey Sherrie,

Who is David Huggins?

oil painter

#136 12-20-2006, 06:37 AM
Alessandro Cagliostro
Member Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 62

Two Marilyns

Originally Posted by pastlifetherapy
Hi everyone,

As some of you may know I'm a new member, and please excuse my long post!
The examiner must be freed at least temporarily, through a deep hypnotic trance followed by amnesia in most part, such as done by Edgar Cayce, Kevin Ryerson (who confirmed Sherrie Lea Laird as the reincarnation of Marilyn Monroe) and others. That clears the path, renders it "pure" to cleave to the Akashic Records and correctly read them. But in the case of the pendulum alone, such blocks, usually interfere, wrongly swaying the pendulum, thus misleading. But the best, as attested by psychoanalysts with a wealth of experience in this field, is for the examinee TO DECIDE through spontaneous associations. However, in my 38 years of experience with hypnosis, and teaching it as a university professor to M.D.'s specializing in psychiatry, I can attest that deep hypnosis, and specially somnambulistic hypnosis, like in Sherrie's case, ensure that most of the above blocks are temporarily dissolved, enough for an accurate Akashic Records' reading by the examinee. Zsuzsana, claims she was also hypnotized, and had "FUN" with that hypnosis, "discovering she is Marilyn Monroe." Far from the truth, as reliving MM's life is not "FUN." It was HELL for Sherrie as you can witness just for a few seconds of the more than 40 hours of videotaped past-life regression I performed on Sherrie, in the videoclip that was aired in CNN Showbiz Tonight and Japanese TV.
These links can be found at the top my web page: www.pastlives.com.

The past-life regressions were the most compelling, followed by hundreds of coincidences or synchronicities, psychic accuracy on Sherrie's part under somnambulistic hypnosis, as she explained in her above post, which I confirm. Only then biometrics were added showing similarities in face bone architecture, eyes in particular(the window to the soul,) hands, including hand lines, feet. Bones for millions of years remain unchanged.
cartilages are a byproduct of bone structure, like nose, ears, eyes and cresses that make the lines of the fingerprint. We still need from FBI the fingerprint of MM in order to confirm this singular sign. I envision in the future a computerized database for fingerprint identification from one lifetime to the next. In addition, in Sherrie's case she was recognized by intimates, such as Ted Jordan, as being MM. Handwriting between Sherrie and MM is similar. Voice is similar. Listen to the twin voices of Sherrie and MM, also linked to my above website! (Again, the vocal cords are made of cartilage.) My assessment of her as a board certified psychiatrist at the time for more than two decades, when Sherrie first contacted me in 1998, was that she was coming across as a trouble psyche seeking relief, not notoriety, unlike so many other beautiful young women pretenders, stepping forward and claiming to be Marilyn Monroe, Sherrie DID NOT want to be her and relive all her pain and suffering, she wanted to be herself.
Our main purpose hers and mine was to heal her of Marilyn's "demons." not to prove that she is Marilyn reincarnated. But that was necessary too, in order to initiate the healing. Also, mind you that the unbeknownst confirmation of Sherrie being the only and linear reincarnation of MM, came seven and a half years after I established the same through my research/therapy, hard work, entailing many thousands of hours of rigorous scientific work., Kevin's was only the icing on the cake.

In medicine, and I am a physician, who make a diagnosis, based on a multitude of symptoms or signs, as generally, one sign does not suffice.
Thus, we arrive to an accurate diagnosis and assist the patient/client to get well. That was Sherrie's case. And also, that is why the prestigious Library Journal recommended my book: "Marilyn Monroe Returns: The Healing of a Soul," to University Libraries. BUT THE BEST IS TO ORDER MY BOOK FROM AMAZON.COM, or BORROW IT FROM YOUR LOCAL LIBRARY FOR FREE. IT SAYS IT ALL.

Love, Light and Truth,


Didn't hypnosis confirm that the Hungarian woman is also the reincarnation of Marilyn Monroe?

#137 12-20-2006, 06:40 AM
Alessandro Cagliostro
Member Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 62

Not Always Right

Originally Posted by Sherrie Lea Laird
We've all used Pendulums sometimes they are right and sometimes they are not...and the power and energy of the mind can change them, and I've practised that too.
I don't care if I'm Marilyn or not, as I'm pretty in to how you can't capture the past, no matter how you try, even just to touch your mum one last time.

Some of us have used hypnosis, too.
Sometimes it is right and sometimes it is not. Two reincarnated Marilyn Monroes proves my point.

Alessandro Cagliostro

#138 12-20-2006, 07:14 AM
Alessandro Cagliostro
Member Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 62


Originally Posted by Sherrie Lea Laird
This is not Marilyn, nor has she ever regressed I can promise my last dying breath on that.

2005. Május - Pszichológus ismerősöm révén jutottam el egy olyan orvoshoz, aki bizonytalanságommal és érzékenységemmel kapcsolatos "nyavajáimat" hipnózis segítségével is próbálta kezelni. Mivel ismerte történetemet, nem lepte meg mindaz, amit a hipnózis közben "hallott". Úgy tűnik, valóban Marilyn volt előző életemben a nevem és valóban színésznő voltam. Mindenféle neveket is említettem, amelyekről korábban nem hallhattam, hacsak nem jelen voltam bizonyos helyzetekben! Hát, ettől fogva még komolyabban vettem a reinkarnáció létét és saját reinkarnációmat.


#139 12-20-2006, 07:43 AM
Sherrie Lea Laird
Junior Member Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 28

he says she says, oh by the way it seemed funner for her than the actual Marilyn
Where and when did she suddenly regress and by whom.
It's not real, no actually it's about as real as the photo's at mmreincarnation.com and by that I mean last year the pics were so fake they had to take them down. I pity that poor woman for all of this....none of that behaviour describes my case, I don't even have one dress like Marilyn and in fact have only achievement (or not relative term) after achievement of my singing career and an entire world news cast to talk about it.
Let's write to the papers and see if they can put her on it instead of me, as something we said or did must have been valid enough.

I'm happy she admires the Woman that Marilyn was enough to copy her body movements and looks, it's done every day at cabarets and drag shows.
Imitation is a form of flattery, a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there! so I don't. And I praise God for my individuality, and I question why me at all. But he chose this for me and for this to happen to me, well that's what they keep comforting me about my mum with. God's Will. all of it is.
P.S Alessandro, Susie's welcome to it. I hand over the baton. See isn't that easy. xoxoxo Sherrie

Last edited by Sherrie Lea Laird : 12-20-2006 at 07:45 AM.

#140 12-20-2006, 07:52 AM
Alessandro Cagliostro
Member Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 62


Well, my pendulum gives her a half swing. That means a maybe.

#141 12-20-2006, 09:03 AM
Junior Member Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 20

Hi Alessandro,

Without reading the whole book: "Marilyn Monroe Returns: The Healing of a Soul," according to the feedback I got from convinced and I might add, very intelligent readers, I don't think that one has enough to back up any theory against the reincarnation of Marilyn Monroe in the person of Sherrie Lea Laird. It is just a waste of time. The book can be ordered and borrowed for free at the local library, if it is not already there.

Good Night,


#142 12-21-2006, 04:20 AM
Alessandro Cagliostro
Member Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 62

Waste Of Time?

I don't think that one has enough to back any theory for the reincarnation of Marilyn Monroe. I don't think that one has enough to back the theory of reincarnation, itself. It isn't just a waste of time, though. We are all curious to know the real truth and not just our convenient and potentially profitable interpretation of it.

#143 12-21-2006, 06:16 AM
Junior Member Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 20

Hi Alessandro,

If one lives in relativity, you are correct--reincarnation is relative and so is the reincarnation of Marilyn Monroe in the person of Sherrie Lea Laird. But if you cleave to the Higher Power within and everywhere, as during my work with Sherrie was done by her and me, especially through somnambulistic hypnosis so many times, over a span of eight years, you are absolute--perfect. In perfection there is no relativity, there you find the accuracy of the Akashic Records, which are not mystified or relative, but absolute--perfect. That's what Einstein wanted to find out, how God thinks. However, from the viewpoint of relativity he passed on before he could make such a discovery. In order to solve a mathematical problem, one has to read it and understand it first. How can one arrive at a correct solution without it? I made my point clear in my previous post, that for a real discussion, one has to read the book, and I'm not going to debate it.
I would wholeheartedly do it by posting interminable posts. But as I noted in a previous post, my time is limited, and I'm sure yours too. That's why I said it would otherwise be a waste of time. Thank you!


Last edited by pastlifetherapy : 12-21-2006 at 06:20 AM.

#144 12-21-2006, 06:27 AM
Alessandro Cagliostro
Member Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 62

Global Benefit

Yes, but why cleave to the idea that Sherrie is the only candidate for the reincarnation of Marilyn Monroe? Are you willing to show us that you are willing to consider other possibilities? Can you demonstrate more open-mindedness and less self-interest? Such a demonstration would be of greater benefit to our planet, than a thousand books speculating on Sherrie's probable connection to Marilyn.

#145 12-21-2006, 10:13 AM
Junior Member Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 20

A Different Thought

Sorry, maybe I didn't make myself clear, that in perfection there is not such a notion as possibility or probability, it is the absolute truth. And only the TRUTH will benefit the planet. As it is said: "The truth will set you free." Though I must admit that many times I pondered possibilities, and so did Sherrie, as it is human and normal to have doubts. The trouble is that we humans want to "explain" everything with our evolved, but limited intellect alone, rather than realigning it like in the beginning, with the infinite I.Q. of the Higher Power, which resides within us and everywhere. Only aided by such an alignment we'll really achieve.

P.S.: Besides, you're judging me by drawing inaccurate conclusions, without knowing me, implying that I'm guided by lack of "open-mindedness" and "self-interest." Same pattern, not reading the book, not reading the mathematical problem and arriving at conclusions--thus, false solutions.
As a matter of fact, Bernie Siegel, one of the most prominent leaders in the New Age movement, endorsed my work reflected in my books as "opening minds." I don't see it how by my being wishy-washy will benefit the planet.

Last edited by pastlifetherapy : 12-21-2006 at 10:13 PM.

#146 12-21-2006, 04:35 PM
Junior Member Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 24


Used to have an article: Sweet Swarnlata
Now I can only find it here: http://www.opuslux.com/Swarmlata.htm

Does Swarnlata still live? How is both her families (the past-life family and present-life family)?

Does anybody know?

#147 12-21-2006, 10:58 PM
Senior Member Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: D
Posts: 4,544

The Man Who Would Be King,

The Woman Who Would Be Marilyn,

Geezz-Louezz, lets all just be ourselves and get on with it!

I Am Joan Of Arc, and you know what? So are several thousands of other Women on this planet at this very moment!

To Use The Memory Of My Ever Having Been To Empower Themselves Is An Honor!

Each And Every One Is Become Joan!

Love, Michael, The Valkyrie

#148 Yesterday, 04:00 AM
Junior Member Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 10

Well, there can't be effective analysis of the claim of Sherrie Lea Laird without knowing the study of Dr. Adrian Finkelstein.

I spare the same attention to the claim of Szuszanna. Her pictures (please, see her website) were transformed with a photo Editor, there are several pieces of the pictures of Marilyn Monroe.

~ bloom ~

Last edited by bloom : Yesterday at 07:30 PM.

#149 Yesterday, 09:40 AM
Senior Member Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 685

Soul Group Interaction

Originally Posted by pastlifetherapy
Sorry, maybe I didn't make myself clear, that in perfection there is not such a notion as possibility or probability, it is the absolute truth. And only the TRUTH will benefit the planet.

Hi Adrian,
I'm in total agreement with this statement. As for past lives, it is very common for psychics to confuse a close past life connection with an absolute one. During my training this happened many times. It is also common, in my experience, for people to identify with other members of their own soul group and to even share their memories. My experiences of hypnosis (I am untrained, but others I did this with were apparently qualified, but I don't know to what degree) produced screen memories and emotions, rather than accurate past life data.

The solution I came up with is described in the JFK thread.
Take a soul group of a dozen people and trace their past lives through, at least, 3 different periods of History and analyze the connections. Facial comparisons are very helpful, but are not essential.

Also I was curious about this discrepancy coming from people working in the same business. This was regarding my concern about hypnotherapists pulling out painful memories and clients (not patients) creating subconscious screen memories in order to cope with the trauma.

Originally Posted by LifeStudent

Well, with all the questions regarding procedures that you should know if you hypnotize people, it concerns me that you don't know the answers. You would know then that there is no 'pulling' and it is a very gentle pleasant experience.
You continue to spread myths and I refuse to entertain your discussions further.

Please for the sake of your clients (not patients) get training.

Good evening.

Originally Posted by pastlifetherapy
Zsuzsana, claims she was also hypnotized, and had "FUN" with that hypnosis, "discovering she is Marilyn Monroe." Far from the truth, as reliving MM's life is not "FUN." It was HELL for Sherrie as you can witness just for a few seconds of the more than 40 hours of videotaped past-life regression.

We have a very gentle pleasant experience contrasted with HELL.

I noticed in my own past life readings on this topic that Zsuzsanna is intimately connected to this case and that her involvement should not be scorned or laughed at. She has even contacted Sherrie. These things seem to signify a past life connection, because these things always happen for a reason. My own involvement in all of this is no accident either. We are dealing with the interaction of a soul group.

The door is now wide open for further exploration. The matter certainly has not been concluded with your book. It will only invite more questions and further investigation. I hope that you will think my readings worthy of being tested and explored, preferably by people who have no connection with New Age thinking. Find the answers from those who are truly adept among the advanced practioners of Buddhism and Hinduism.

Last edited by brianstalin : Yesterday at 09:44 AM.

#150 Yesterday, 11:21 AM
Senior Member Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 685

Incomplete Picture

Originally Posted by pastlifetherapy
Sorry, maybe I didn't make myself clear, that in perfection there is not such a notion as possibility or probability, it is the absolute truth. And only the TRUTH will benefit the planet.

However, seeing the TRUTH for ourselves is the end of a long and painful process and it has been speculated that our past lives are simply for our training and development to reach a final state of perfection. Until we become fully awakened in the Buddhist sense of "enlightened" we can never be sure that we have grasped the whole picture and that any of our conclusions are valid in any absolute sense. What about the cryptic message that UFOs and crop circles are giving us? Why can't we even begin to explain these things satisfactorily?

My approach to these matters is to combine personal spiritual training with healing. Reiki is particularly good, because of the angelic assistance and power we receive and this is drawn directly into our chakra systems and energizes them. We don't have to spend long hours in meditation to achieve the same results, but a balance of disciplines is best. During the process our chakra systems are cleansed and pure psychic insight arises naturally or is assisted with training. My past life readings are the demonstration of what can be produced from a quiet and focused mind. The readings, in many cases, have already been double-checked. My concern is not if my readings are true or correct, but whether people are ready to accept the possibility that our past life records are on public display and that they require personal action and responsibility on our parts. If it turns out that we are not ready, then we must forget about any Golden Age.

In the end, is reincarnation still only just a probability? The realistic answer must be "yes". With our current states of spiritual, intellectual, emotional and technological levels, we cannot hope for more. Perhaps in 2000 years time, somewhere in the middle of the predicted Golden Age, we might get a glimpse of some understanding concerning what reality is or what is needed to comprehend it. There is no need to be hasty when dealing with these matters. Especially, if we truly believe in the reality of reincarnation.

Last edited by brianstalin : Yesterday at 11:37 AM.

#151 Yesterday, 03:11 PM
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Posts: 399

Original statement:

Originally Posted by brianstalin
Some people believe hypnosis actually goes far too deep and pulls out information that people are not ready for.

My response:

Originally Posted by lifestudent
"Some people" could be many people without adequate knowledge to form a proper informed decision. "Believe" is the key word. Is this belief based on fact? Is the belief based on a bad experience from a hypnotist that wasn't adequately trained? I know from my training, and I am a trained, certified Hypnotherapist and certified in Past Life Regression (among others), that the word 'deep' as in your sentence is a moot point as 'too deep' or to the depth needed for regression doesn't mean anything. It is how the hypnotherapist directs the client/HS is what is important and what information is uncovered.

Originally Posted by brianstalin

Also I was curious about this discrepancy coming from people working in the same business. This was regarding my concern about hypnotherapists pulling out painful memories and clients (not patients) creating subconscious screen memories in order to cope with the trauma.

Originally Posted by LifeStudent

Well, with all the questions regarding procedures that you should know if you hypnotize people, it concerns me that you don't know the answers. You would know then that there is no 'pulling' and it is a very gentle pleasant experience. You continue to spread myths and I refuse to entertain your discussions further. Please for the sake of your clients (not patients) get training.

Good evening.

Originally Posted by pastlifetherapy
Zsuzsana, claims she was also hypnotized, and had "FUN" with that hypnosis, "discovering she is Marilyn Monroe." Far from the truth, as reliving MM's life is not "FUN." It was HELL for Sherrie as you can witness just for a few seconds of the more than 40 hours of videotaped past-life regression.

We have a very gentle pleasant experience contrasted with HELL.


Actually PastLifeTherapy and I do agree. You quoted me out of context. The experience (of hypnosis), if done properly is gentle as we have both said. BUT, in retrieving past lives, there are times that information is less than comfortable. And that is exactly what I was referring to regarding untrained people trying PLRs as you stated you do. It is the trained person that can adequately deal with these abreactions. PLT is very well trained in regression and his dealings with abreactions, I'm sure is nothing less than perfect. (Your use of the word pull implies it’s against the clients will. ) BUT this information is never 'pulled' out (against anyone's will). It is a procedure that the HS and subc allow and only allow information (if done properly) that will serve for the highest good of the soul.
Love & Light


#152 Yesterday, 04:10 PM
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Posts: 685

Creative Imagination

As you know in Reiki no altered state is induced in the clients (patients). They do enter altered mental states on their own and there is usually no external promptings or leading questions from the healer.
Spontaneous past life images arise naturally. Many times there are no images, but congested energy floods out. There are techniques called pull-out techniques to ensure that the negative energy is fully released from the congested chakra system.
Sometimes the healer will see something and encourage the client to visualize or share past life visions to facilitate healing for the highest good.


Reiki is based on Universal Life Force Energy. This energy surrounds and permeates all of creation, and is available to use for healing. The Reiki Practitioner acts as a channel for accessing the universal life energy. While everyone has access to this energy, over the course of time the ability to access it has become blocked. Therefore, Reiki practitioners undergo a series of initiations (called attunements) that enables them to tap into the "Universal Life Energy." Practitioners use Reiki energy to balance and amplify the subjects energy to promote healing. Disharmony in the physical body or the subtle energy fields that surround it can result in physical or emotional disease and dysfunction. During treatment, the Reiki practitioner draws on Reiki energy to restore balance. The practitioner does not use her own energy, one uses the "Universal Life Energy."



Even animals and their past lives can be read using the Akashic Records.

I did do a few PLR's in my reckless youth, but not since I became aware of responsibility via Reiki. Those who regressed me were qualified and all in all, it proved interesting, but unsatisfactory for me. I did see what seemed vivid past life images. I was asked questions as to what year it was, what I was doing, what my name was etc. On all occasions I struggled to answer the questions and felt I was making most of it up. When I learned certain psychic techniques later on in life, I was able to see that what I saw under hypnosis was not all complete fantasy, but a wonderful mosaic of different past lives cobbled together in very creative ways.

Last edited by brianstalin : Yesterday at 05:00 PM.

#153 Yesterday, 04:34 PM
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Posts: 685

Demonic Possession

Perhaps as a Reiki Master, you have had to deal with demonic possession.
There is certainly a struggle going on to pull the possessing entities out. Hair-raising and dramatic. Sometimes they try to crawl into the healer's chakra system. I'm not sure you could hypnotize some of these unfortunate people. Sometimes it's all you can do to drag them onto the healing table. On occasions they start spinning around and entities speak through them. I was quite shaken when I first helped deal with this sort of thing.
Thankfully, not all cases are so dramatic.
Crystals are a great help, too.
Some healers work with nurturing energies, others work with more powerful and forceful energies.

Dumo (also known as "Tibetan Master Symbol") - The Dumo is a "Tibetan" Symbol that is part of the William Rand Usui/Tibetan System as well as used by various Independent Reiki Masters including Diane Stein. This symbol is also referred to as the "Tibetan Dai Ko Mio". This symbol is thought to unify the body and mind. It is reported to work with fire in the base chakra by igniting the Sacred flame (i.e., the Kundalini energy) It is believed to pull negative energy and disease from the body and mind.


#154 Yesterday, 04:45 PM
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Posts: 685


The clients (patients) must positively affirm that they wish to be rid of the possessing entities or else nothing can be done. Usually the Reiki healer deduces when, where and how the possession took place and then the chakras are flushed clean. Sometimes there's a bit of a struggle, especially if there's more than one entity to deal with.

#155 Yesterday, 05:26 PM
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Posts: 685

Normal Cases

Even in normal cases, where there are no possessing entities to deal with, congested chakra energy can seem to take on a life of its own. Sometimes the congested energy is reluctant to come out and I don't think there is any way to force it out.

#156 Yesterday, 05:29 PM
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I have dealt with possessing demon entities.
It is definitely a struggle. I am engaged in astral combat with the entity. To understand this better I describe it as a form of remote viewing the actual person who is possessed. The person does not know they are possessed, as the demon has usually been with them for years. It's gradually taking over their behavior, which usually is directed toward their immediate loved ones in the form of psychological abuse.
{my cases are usually of above average intelligence}
The person is also remotely viewing me, the demon in the person. That demon is doing everything to protect itself, and it knows I am on to it, so it attacks me astrally.
This involves trying to get me to fear it. It keeps revealing itself to me. That person may actually try spells or incantations. The last one I fought nearly killed me.
He would use incantations by repeating over and over weaknesses he had found in my character. He found these through observing me over a several week period as I camped on his property.
You must understand this man WAS a brujo, a sorcerer. He became this through the Demon in his character.
I did not realize this until almost too late.
He had almost totally destroyed me. I was about to end it when I got divine intervention. I was reminded who I was. I became The Valkyrie!
I was able to bounce back. I was given a safe quite place in the woods with no one else around me and was able to bounce back, and Boy Howdy! Did I Ever! That thing did not know what hit it!
It took place in a period of about 48 hours. Astral Combat. Toward the end
I was wearing him down.
You must understand He began the fight. My position in this throughout the battle was, "Leave Me Alone", and that thing would not leave me alone. It kept on coming back forcing me to confront it.
Valkyrie Do Not Initiate Combat!
Toward the end I had to give it its final warning. It has pushed me to the Limits of my composure. It literally comes down to a final warning.
"Attack Me One More Time, And That's going to be it!"
The Attack comes, and The Valkyrie is unleashed upon that demon once and for all!
Astrally I have that person in my sights. I come down with my sword and I behead that person. It is at this point the demon comes out of that person, and in that state I have it!
The only way I can describe this is like a person being sucked into a turbojet engine, only it is the spiritual energy of that demon being sucked into MY jet engine! That demon is shredded to bits, into Oblivion!
At this point the demon is gone, and it is out of my hands.
The person finds himself again, but the memory of being astrally beheaded remains with them, as well as all the details of the long and drawn out battle.
The person who was a brujo, a sorcerer?
I think he is out of the psych ward now, and is home and on meds.
The important thing is this,
He Can No Longer Psychologically Abuse His Loved Ones, His Family!
The reason I was lead into the whole experience was to protect and defend that family from the demon in this man.
It was not by chance I was lead to that family, and that man!
Love, Michael, The Valkyrie

#157 Yesterday, 05:31 PM
Junior Member Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 20

I'm glad that abreaction and its potential therapeutic benefits through hypnosis are acknowledged by my colleague Lifestudent. My primary goal in working with Sherrie Lea Laird, was not to prove that she is the reincarnation of MM, but to assist her to free her soul of MM's "demons."
That was my call as a healer. However, in the process, using judiciously hypnosis, which I have been practicing for 38 years, and teaching it at universities, as a psychiatry professor, there were three important hurdles to overcome: 1. Healing Sherrie, especially, as she presented herself to me the first time in 1998, extremely depressed and after having twice attempted suicide; 2. Proving the truth of reincarnation. And mind you that only 25% of the population in the Westen world believe in it, unlike in the Far East where virtually 100% do, and Dalai Lama being
reincarnated, is a fact of life: 3. The hardest was to prove, even for those who accept the validity of reincarnation, that celebrities have a right to reincarnate too, even Marilyn Monroe. And if not in the person of Sherrie Lea Laird, she would reincarnate in another. But, contrary to the multitude of the beautiful young pretenders who stepped forward, WANTING to be Marilyn Monroe, mostly impersonators, doing it for a living, Sherrie did not want to be her and suffer her horrible pain, she wanted to be herself. That is the way Sherrie impressed me from the very start, sincere, as a troubled soul seeking relief, not notoriety. Furthermore,
fearing how revealing her identity will jeopardize her budding singing
career, as a young singer (later at the top of the charts with "No Ordinary Love,") after six months of intensive research/therapy, she stopped working on her reincarnation healing for six years. She re-contacted me, after this hiatus, as she attempted suicide twice more, and didn't care so much about her career, but how to reclaim her life and her daughter's, Kezia.

In Sherrie's case were in addition to her very compelling and dramatic more than 40 hours of videotaped regressive hypnosis, a multitude of signs that she IS the reincarnation of MM: biometrics, hundreds of synchronicities (coincidences,) her psychic accuracy under somnambulistic hypnosis, handwriting, voice pattern, linguistics, personality traits, being recognized by a former lover of MM, Ted Jordan, Tony Curtis confirming his amorous affair with MM, that Sherrie revealed months in advance under hypnosis, my assessment of her as a board certified psychiatrist, etc.

In medicine, and I am a physician, we make an accurate diagnosis, based not on one sign alone, like the face bone architecture resemblance, which usually does not suffice, but on a multitude of signs and their interrelationship. Sherrie qualified in my professional opinion and met the criteria of all these multitude of signs.

But the main goal was her healing. And what makes me happier, more than anything else, is her healing, as MM's demons lifted off her, she doesn't entertain suicidal thoughts any longer, she is a happier person, became better friends with her daughter, and is pursuing her life designs as a singer and composer.

Only recently and unbeknownst to Kevin Ryerson, under a deep trance, channeling Ahtun-Re and confirming Sherrie Lea Laird as the linear and only reincarnation of Marilyn Monroe, is just the "icing on the cake." So are the striking astrological similarities between the two women, attested by renown astrologers.

But the main message bigger-than-us-all, from the high visibility podium of Marilyn Monroe, is to give a message of God's Life, Love, Healing, Peace and Joy to our troubled world, as after all, we are the fingers of the same hand of God, different, but ONE, thus reincarnating in each other's shoes to learn this fundamental TRUTH; in conclusion, not killing but LOVING. Reading my book: "Marilyn Monroe Returns: The Healing of a Soul," to expand on above, would give more justice to our discussion, especially when opposed opinions are expressed.



Last edited by pastlifetherapy : Yesterday at 06:00 PM.

#158 Yesterday, 06:01 PM
Senior Member Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 685


1. Healing Sherrie. Healing is what Edgar Cayce concentrated on. A healer will engage in this activity to balance his own karma. As a young man Cayce prayed to God, that he may be used in service to help mankind. His prayer was answered.

#159 Yesterday, 06:05 PM
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Posts: 685


2. Proving the truth of reincarnation. This is a conceit that even the Enlightened Ones will not engage in. Does the Dalai Lama waste time on theoretical abstractions? No. We all have more important things to do.

#160 Yesterday, 06:12 PM
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Posts: 685


3. The hardest was to prove, even for those who accept the validity of reincarnation, that celebrities have a right to reincarnate too, even Marilyn Monroe. And if not in the person of Sherrie Lea Laird, she would reincarnate in another. But, contrary to the multitude of the beautiful young pretenders who stepped forward, WANTING to be Marilyn Monroe, mostly impersonators, doing it for a living, Sherrie did not want to be her and suffer her horrible pain, she wanted to be herself. That is the way Sherrie impressed me from the very start, sincere, as a troubled soul seeking relief, not notoriety.

No-one wants to deal with the responsibility that past life information brings.
People are attracted to the idea of reincarnation for glamorous reasons. We have lived many times. Where are Sherrie's other past lives? What are the karmic patterns she needs to understand and to break? How can a healing be thorough without knowing these things? Even Cayce knew and attended to this. He rarely just focused on just one lifetime.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

#161 Yesterday, 06:32 PM
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Posts: 685


Originally Posted by pastlifetherapy

Only recently and unbeknownst to Kevin Ryerson, under a deep trance, channeling Ahtun-Re and confirming Sherrie Lea Laird as the linear and only reincarnation of Marilyn Monroe, is just the "icing on the cake." So are the striking astrological similarities between the two women, attested by renown astrologers.

Look to India, Tibet and the remote places of Earth where the Masters of Selflessness and Discipline reside. They understand the deeper truths. They will not, necessarily tell us the truth, but will teach us some methodology that suits our individual needs for attaining wisdom. The West is too superficial and geared to mass consumerism. The individual is lost in mass ideology that keeps us all separate.

I have done thousands of past life readings. Up to thirty a day. The reason is yet unknown, some were requested as part of healing processes. Astrologers have said that Zsuzsanna is the reincarnation of Marilyn. I know that they have good reason to say so. Do not make the mistake of dismissing the information of others simply, because it doesn't fit with your theories. Psychics will confuse a close past life connection with an absolute one. I have done it, my teachers have done it, Zsuzsanna's astrologers have done it and Kevin Ryerson with Ahtun-Re have done it.
Try sorting that out.

#162 Yesterday, 07:26 PM
Junior Member Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 10

Originally Posted by brianstalin

I noticed in my own past life readings on this topic that Zsuzsanna is intimately connected to this case and that her involvement should not be scorned or laughed at. She has even contacted Sherrie. These things seem to signify a past life connection, because these things always happen for a reason. My own involvement in all of this is no accident either. We are dealing with the interaction of a soul group.

Hi Brianstalin!
Not every case of self-identification with a public person is a case that signifies past life connection.

Originally Posted by brianstalin
2. Proving the truth of reincarnation. This is a conceit that even the Enlightened Ones will not engage in. Does the Dalai Lama waste time on theoretical abstractions? No. We all have more important things to do.

In what way is the experience of Sherrie Lea Laird a theoretical abstraction?

Last edited by bloom : Yesterday at 08:11 PM.

#163 Yesterday, 08:12 PM
Senior Member Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 685

Assumptions - Where Do They All Come From?

Originally Posted by bloom
Hi Brianstalin!
Not every case of self-identification with a public person is a case that signifies past life connection.

Concerning past life connections, self-identification with historic figures has rarely been done accurately. The ego distorts everything. Years ago I believed people were crazy even to contemplate such things. Later I found out I could do past life readings with great ease and everyone I have done past life readings for, seems to have been famous people in history, not once, but many times. I was careful to check the information with others and had problems digesting a lot of the information. Life began to become a surrealist fog and still is.
There are so many things I would love to share with you all, but you would consider me a complete lunatic.

We all want to be famous. Well, we have all been that. Some of us are famous in this lifetime and will be famous again many more times. We have all hungered for power, revenge, been driven by greed, lust etc. Our own stories are all there in print in the Bible and the History Books. The Akashic Records is the best source, because they go well beyond all recorded history and extend into the distant future.
Check out the books on your bookshelves. You will find some of your own past lives there.

The hatred we feel for a rival today can relate to a distant past life conflict where we were one of the Gods on Mount Olympus or equally to a life time we once lived in filthy rags and obscurity many centuries or millennia ago.

Any feelings we have for another denotes past life interaction. Do you remember the posters on your wall, when you were kid? Yes, for sure you have known these people very intimately before in another lifetime, usually many lifetimes. That's why we are told to love everyone in equal measure.
We are all so closely connected, it is unreal.

Not every case of self-identification with a public person is a case that signiifies past life connection. Don't be so sure.

#164 Yesterday, 08:17 PM
Senior Member Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 685

Theoretical Abstraction

Originally Posted by bloom

In what way is the experience of Sherrie Lea Laird a theoretical abstraction?

I didn't say her experience was. That's a different thing entirely. Reincarnation is certainly a theoretical abstraction. Ask a scientist and they will say everything is empty space with a few particles flashing in and out of reality. Not very helpful!

#165 Yesterday, 08:27 PM
Junior Member Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 10

Originally Posted by brianstalin
Concerning past life connections, self-identification with historic figures has rarely been done accurately. The ego distorts everything. Years ago I believed people were crazy even to contemplate such things. Later I found out I could do past life readings with great ease and everyone I have done past life readings for, seems to have been famous people in history, not once, but many times. I was careful to check the information with others and had problems digesting a lot of the information. Life began to become a surrealist fog and still is.
There are so many things I would love to share with you all, but you would consider me a complete lunatic.

We all want to be famous. Well, we have all been that. Some of us are famous in this lifetime and will be famous again many more times. We have all hungered for power, revenge, been driven by greed, lust etc. Our own stories are all there in print in the Bible and the History Books. The Akashic Records is the best source, because they go well beyond all recorded history and extend into the distant future.
Check out the books on your bookshelves. You will find some of your own past lives there.

The hatred we feel for a rival today can relate to a distant past life conflict where we were one of the Gods on Mount Olympus or equally to a life time we once lived in filthy rags and obscurity many centuries or millennia ago.

Any feelings we have for another denotes past life interaction. Do you remember the posters on your wall, when you were kid? Yes, for sure you have known these people very intimately before in another lifetime, usually many lifetimes. That's why we are told to love everyone in equal measure.
We are all so closely connected, it is unreal.

Not every case of self-identification with a public person is a case that signiifies past life connection. Don't be so sure.

A little bit of psychology can step in here. Not every case of self-connection with a public person is reincarnation related.

#166 Yesterday, 08:28 PM
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Posts: 685


Originally Posted by brianstalin
Reincarnation is certainly a theoretical abstraction.

However, if we really get to experience reincarnation at the deep core level of our souls and understand that it can have a profound impact on how we view ourselves, then we might view things a bit differently. We might even be compelled to share this wonderful abstraction and use it in a practical way, until it becomes something more than just a pretty theory.

#167 Yesterday, 08:32 PM
Senior Member Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 685

Higher Guidance

Originally Posted by bloom
A little bit of psychology can step in here. Not every case of self-connection with a public person is reincarnation related.

That's a logical assumption, but my guides disagree.

#168 Yesterday, 08:36 PM
Junior Member Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 10

Originally Posted by brianstalin
That's a logical assumption, but my guides disagree.

So, do my guides disagree?

#169 Yesterday, 08:43 PM
Senior Member Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 685


Originally Posted by bloom
So, do my guides disagree?

I could tell you the answer, but that's really up to you to sort out. If they disagree, ask them why?

#170 Yesterday, 08:52 PM
Senior Member Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 685


Originally Posted by bloom
So, do my guides disagree?

A better question would have been how can you be sure your guides exist?

I would reply, because I have made them a part of my experience.

Would they still exist without this participation, I hear you ask.

Yes, the perceptions of my mind or lack of them cannot destroy the harmony of the Universe and its delicate and subtle workings.

#171 Yesterday, 09:50 PM
Junior Member Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 20

Let's cheer up!

Rationalizations and intellectualizations are defined by psychoanalysts as defense mechanisms against fear. I would add another too: "spiritualization." The facts about Sherrie Lea Laird being the reincarnation of Marilyn Monroe are on the table, and are there to stay, in spite of all rationalizations, intellectualizations and spiritualizations (neologism?) no matter how clever and "spiritual" they are. Brianstalin is certainly a very bright individual, but aligned with God we all are. However, I could envision there will always be pros and cons for everything. Sherrie and I stick to our take, especially in the light that it presents a message of hope, healing, love, joy and peace to our troubled world.

#172 Today, 12:12 AM
Junior Member Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 20

Shutting up the truth is not the answer. But I agree with you that we may crack a joke here and there, ha, ha.

Love to all, and if you celebrate it , have a very merry Christmas, if not, a very merry life,


Last edited by pastlifetherapy : Today at 12:32 AM.

#173 Today, 05:19 AM
Senior Member Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 685

Information, Not Rationalization and Intellectualization

Well, my guides have provided alternative information. No rationalization or intellectualizations. The readings explain why Zsuzsanna feels connected to Marilyn as well. It explains why Astrologists are convinced she is the reincarnation of Marilyn Monroe. We must not ignore that input.

There is also the subtle hint of a pattern of sibling rivalry across time. In Russia, my guides suggest, that Marilyn Monroe lived as Maria Feodorovna and that her husband, Tsar Paul became Robert Kennedy.
Among Maria's daughters were the GRAND DUCHESS ALEXANDRA PAVLOVNA (1783-1801), who they say became Sherrie and the GRAND DUCHESS ELENA PAVLOVNA (1784-1803), who they say became Sherrie Lea Laird's daughter, Kezia.
Alexandra and Elena were particularly close.